Realistic Wedding Budgets
By Jodianne Murdock Zedoj Events & Weddings We all have big dreams of a magnificent fairytale wedding with the perfect husband/wife,...
Have Your Cake But Wait to Eat it.....
By Jodianne Murdock Zedoj Events & Weddings I will just get straight to the point and say 'Your Cake is one of the most important decor...
Just the 2 of us...
By Jodianne Murdock Zedoj Events & Weddings Marriage is like the final piece to a Puzzle. When you find that special someone, Soul mate,...
Not Every Blooming Thing!!!!
By Jodianne Murdock Zedoj Events & Weddings There is nothing more beautiful than a wedding decorated with fresh, natural flowers. However...
I'm Engaged... What's Next?
By Jodianne Murdock Zedoj Events & Weddings So he popped the Big Question... What do you do next? Bask in the moment, show off your ring,...